IG LIVE guest Information
We are so excited to have you join us!
Please fill out the form below for our team and read through our tips, tricks, and how-tos for a successful IG Live session.
Please fill out the form below for our team
In order to properly promote the event, our team needs to get to know you! Don’t forget to email us your headshot at marketing@garmentier.co.
Session Timeline
Initial Planning Session
In our initial meeting, we will discuss and mutually decide on the topic and the main points we’d like to touch on.
Week Of
We will send the questions to you the day before the event. Please review so you know what we’ll be discussing.
Day Of
The Garmentier host will sign on a few minutes before 5 pm CST. Follow the directions below to join us. The interview will last between 40-55 minutes.
How TO Join the IG live
The Garmentier host will start the live 1-2 minutes before 5 pm CST.
Once the live is started, click to watch from your own Instagram account
A message will pop up asking if you want to “Send a request to be in Garmentier’s live video” as shown in the photo to the right
Once you request, the Garmentier host will be able to accept and you’ll be joining on the main screen!
TIps for success
Lighting & video quality
Make sure to situate yourself in a well lit area, preferably facing a window, and wipe your camera for a clear picture. Do not have light coming from behind you, this will wash out your picture.
Make sure your wifi is working
Set aside time before the event to make sure your wifi is working and is getting a strong signal.
Turn off all notifications
Make sure all notifications are silenced ahead of time on your phone and computer.
Promote to your audience
We will be posting about the IG Live the day-of on our stories. We will tag you in them so feel to repost and/or share with your audience!
- Share on your stories
- Email and text friends
- Email your client list
Check out Our Favorite IG lives:
Female entrepreneurship
Spring Menswear
Building a Business Plan as an Entrepreneur